Improve the security of your customers’ prints and copies
Increase your product portfolio, security and control of your customers with follow me printing.
About PrintSafeMade to meet the needs of:
Public and private companies
Control, apportionment and cost reduction for small, medium and large companies.
Universities, colleges and schools
Specific features for self-service and credit management for educational institutions.
Quotas can be easily managed by:
Each user will have their monthly cost limiter.
Management of these limiters will be by cost centers or groups.
Print Policies
Force monochrome
Force duplex
Maximum page limit
Business days and hours
Name copies
Assign costs to customers/projects
Audit of prints and copies
Copy blocking

Authentication Methods
Due to the different needs of companies and the number of MFP manufacturers, there are different authentication methods.
User / Password
Secure PIN
Approach card
Microsoft Active Directory
Release Devices

Automate your customer billing even further
PagSeguro Integration
Payment by PIX
Environmental impact
Calculation proportional to the consumption of the number of trees, electricity, water and carbon based on the number of prints and copies.
Save paper and money in a conscious and fun way!

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